Gopro floating selfie stick handheld underwater photography stabilizer waterproof buoyancy stick hardcover buoyancy stick
Gopro floating selfie stick handheld underwater photography stabilizer waterproof buoyancy stick hardcover buoyancy stick
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Source category: buoyancy stick
Color: orange, blue, rose red, yellow, straight green
Applicable models: universal
Material: plastic + ABS
Product size: 17*6*3CM
Buoyancy stick: hardcover buoyancy stick
Gopro floating selfie stick: Gopro buoyancy stick
Diving buoyancy stick: waterproof buoyancy stick
Gopro Universal Hardcover Buoyancy Stick
Product Parameters:
Product includes: buoyancy stick, hand strap, screws
Product function: can make the camera float on the water
Product size: 35*35*180mm
Color: orange, blue, green, yellow, pink.
Yi/Gopro/Mountain Dog, etc., can be used as long as there is a waterproof case. ---Selfie stick buoyancy hand-held stick is a floating hand-held selfie stick designed for sports cameras. Used for water sports selfies (such as surfing, diving, etc.).
With bright yellow, it is easy to be found in the water.
The floating design allows your camera to float on the water easily when equipped with waterproof cases, LCD Bacpac, Battery Bacpac, WI-FI Bacpac and Dive Housing and other accessories. It can even float two Gopro cameras at the same time, and it can also float when shooting with the Gopro 3D Hero System waterproof box.
Adjustable wrist strap gives you double protection.
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